OBOReurope and Cooperans are pleased to provide analysis on the Belt and Road Initiative and European-Asian relations to the media.
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- Jalife-Rahme, Alfredo (2019), “Bajo la lupa” (Under Scrutiny), La Jornada, August 4, retrieved from https://www.jornada.com.mx/2019/08/04/opinion/012o1pol?partner=rss (in Spanish).
- Thu Hằng (2019), “Liên Hiệp Châu Âu tìm cách thoát khỏi “giấc mộng” Trung Hoa” (The European Union seeks to escape the Chinese dream), RFI tiếng Việt, April 25, retrieved from http://vi.rfi.fr/chau-a/20190425-eu-tim-cach-thoat-khoi-giac-mong-trung-hoa (in Vietnamese).
- Χαμηλάκης, Γιώργος (Chamilakis, Girogos) (2019),”Η αντίδραση της Ευρώπης στον Νέο Δρόμο του Μεταξιού” (Europe’s reaction to the New Silk Road), Huffington Post Greece, April 18, retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.gr/entry/e-antidrase-tes-eeropes-ston-neo-dromo-toe-metaxioe_gr_5cb5bc1ae4b0ffefe3b6f1e4 (in Greek).
- Daire, Constance (2019), “Comment la chine s’apprête à conquérir le monde” (How China is about to conquer the world), Capital.fr, March 4, retrieved from https://www.capital.fr/economie-politique/comment-la-chine-sapprete-a-conquerir-le-monde-1330056 (in French).
- Kerkow, Uwe (2018), “Peking unterstreicht Anspruch auf Weltmachtstatus mit neuer Entwicklungsagentur” (Beijing underscores claim to world power status with new development agency), Telepolis, July 2, retrieved from https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Peking-unterstreicht-Anspruch-auf-Weltmachtstatus-mit-neuer-Entwicklungsagentur-4093302.html (in German).
- Houben, Henri (2018), “Dossier : La rivalité sino-américaine. Volet 2 : Les nouvelles routes de la soie : le cauchemar de Brzezinski passe par l’Asie centrale” (The Sino-American rivalry. Part 2: The new silk roads: Brzezinski’s nightmare passes through Central Asia), GRESEA, June 28, retrieved from http://www.gresea.be/Volet-2-Les-nouvelles-routes-de-la-soie-le-cauchemar-de-Brzezinski-passe-par-l (in French).
- 黃惠華 (Huang, Hui Hua) (2018), “薇拉夫人的國際關係料理藝術》爭奪北極大戰(一):中國覬覦北極雄心” (The Art of Internatonal Relations: the Arctic Battle: China’s ambitions), 自由時報 (Liberty Times), February 10, retrieved from http://talk.ltn.com.tw/article/breakingnews/2338986 (in traditional Chinese).
- “La Chine trace la route de la Soie en Méditerranée” (China traces the Silk Road in the Mediterranean) (2018), Reuters, February 8, retrieved from https://fr.reuters.com/article/companyNews/idFRL8N1PY74P (in French).
- Kopecký, Pavel (2018), “Číňané chtějí do Evropy přes Arktidu. Budují Polární hedvábnou stezku”(The Chinese want to reach Europe through the Arctic. They are building the Polar Silk Route), Deník, January 30, retrieved from https://www.denik.cz/ze_sveta/cinske-ambice-miri-pres-severni-ledovy-ocean-oznamila-polarni-hedvabnou-stezku-20180130.html (in Czech).
- “L’Initiative « One Belt, One Road » tiendra-t-elle toutes ses promesses ?” (Will the “One Belt, One Road” initiative keep all its promises?) (2017), Harris Corporate Solutions, July 27, retrieved from http://harriscorps.fr/fr/initiative-one-belt-one-road/ (in French).
- Schreurs, Margaux (2017), “Brace for One Belt, One Road Summit Impact (May 14-15): Blue Skies, Crowded Airport, No Enforced Holidays”, The Beijinger, May 9, retrieved from https://www.thebeijinger.com/blog/2017/05/09/one-belt-one-road-what-expect-beijing-meetings-may-14-15.
- Muratore, Andrea (2017), “L’Italia e la Nuova Via della Seta” (Italy and the New Silk Road), Occhi della Guerra, April 20, retrieved from http://www.occhidellaguerra.it/litalia-sulla-rotta-della-nuova-via-della-seta/ (in Italian).
- Morris, Harvey (2016), “Europe’s shaken belief in its stability”, China Daily Europe, December 9, retrieved from http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-12/09/content_27618060.htm.