Colombo Port City, a large scale development project under China’s Belt and Road Initiative, an article written by Natasha Fernando.
Afghanistan:The heart of the New Silk Road strategy?
Afghanistan’s stability is an international challenge and may have consequences for the future of China’s BRI, particularly for the CPEC.
Increased trade and more projects between Nepal and China
Nepali-Chinese relations have grown stronger since the beginning of the Belt and Road Initiative with new projects.
New railway line between Istanbul, Tehran and Islamabad in 2021
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan agreed to resume the Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad and increase connectivity from Eastern Mediterranean Sea to South Asia.
Reaffirmation of SCO support to the Belt and Road Initiative
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation members (SCO), but India, have approved the Belt and Road Initiative, to build the new silk road in Central Asia.
Pakistan is following China on green path
At Climate Ambition Summit 2020, Prime Minister Imran Khan gave priority to renewable energies over coal-fired power plants. CPEC is getting greener!
Balancing the BRI and MCC: Commonalities in Nepal and Sri Lanka
Article written by Natasha Fernando and Vijay Prasad Jayshwal about the Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) in Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Gwadar and the CPEC: Open to European companies
To promote Gwadar and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Europe, OBOReurope and Cooperans have just launched
Iran and the CPEC
What does the future Iran-China agreement mean for the CPEC? Can Iran, Pakistan and China cooperate on this development programme?
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor: Accelerating recovery from Covid-19
In the current crisis context, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a priority for Islamabad. With CPEC projects, Pakistan will secure development.