OBOReurope and our parent company Cooperans have just established a partnership with The Diplomatic Insight Group, based in Pakistan. Our organisations are deeply committed in the construction of the new Silk roads. With this partnership, we aim at strengthening our expertise regarding the BRI.
The Diplomatic Insight Group
The Diplomatic Insight Group is an umbrella organization made of 4 entities:
- Belt and Road Consultants Pvt Ltd is a Pakistani consultancy that helps local and foreign companies to develop activities related to Belt and Road Initiative projects.
- The Diplomatic Insight Magazine is one of Pakistan’s top geopolitical magazines; it offers exclusive content including interviews with international leaders.
- The Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies is a Pakistani prominent thinktank dedicated to promoting peace through diplomacy and dialogue. The Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies offers seminars focusing on international relations and advocates dialogue in Asia. The Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies has for ambition to develop an intellect Silk Road and contribute to Pakistan’s foreign affairs.
- Global News Pakistan is a major Pakistan’s multilingual (English, Urdu, Chinese and Russian) news agency. It provides pieces of news and opinions on political, economic and diplomatic development in Pakistan and across the world.
Thanks to this partnership with Global News Pakistan, OBOReurope will have access to the latest news from Pakistan. We will share with our readers news and opinions about Pakistan and the Belt and Road Initiative.
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the most advanced segment of the Belt and Road Initiative, it goes from China province of Xinjiang to the new port of Gwadar, and it offers a wide transport, business, infrastructure, education real estate projects.
For China, this new corridor is a top priority since it will shorten routes from Western China to Middle-East, Africa and Europe by bypassing the Melaka strait. The CPEC will also act a as stimulant for economic development in Western China.
For Pakistan, the CPEC is an opportunity to further reform the country and increase interregional connectivity by developing adequate infrastructure.
With the CPEC, Gwadar ought to be a major hub connecting South Asia, China, Central Asia and Middle-East. Gwadar hosting a new special economic zone and energy facilities will be a major economic centre in Pakistan. Gwadar will also be the home of 2 million inhabitants by 2050. Sustainable development principles will be implemented in Gwadar and thanks to innovation projects, it will soon turn into Pakistan largest Smart City.
However, the CPEC is not limited to Gwadar. New highways and railroads are in progress in most Pakistani regions. New SEZs are also planned to host Chinese and international investment.
Thanks to this new partnership, we, at OBOReurope will share with our readers CPEC latest development and increase CPEC awareness in Europe.
Shared goals and ambitions
OBOReurope and The Diplomatic Insight Group both aim at better explaining BRI’s development and offer assistance to companies and organisations to seize the opportunities offered by the new Silk Roads.
The two organisations understand that the BRI is not only about connectivity with China, but is a global project open to every nation, and that EU-Pakistan relations need to be upgraded. OBOReurope and The Diplomatic Insight Group will work together to support dialogue between the European Union and Pakistan. OBOReurope will defend The Diplomatic Insight Group’s interests in the EU and The Diplomatic Insight Group will do the same for OBOReurope in Pakistan.
OBOReurope and The Diplomatic Insight Group will share their experience in project management to conduct activities together. Partners will jointly work on research publications, collective books, promotional activities, business trips and event in the European Union, Pakistan and elsewhere.
OBOReurope and the Diplomatic Insight Group are looking for developing a strong partnership that will promote the new Silk Roads worldwide.
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