First contract signed between Thailand and China about the construction of a high speed railway between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima.
Timor-Leste confirming willingness to develop BRI
For East-Timor, the Belt and Road Initiative can help for the construction of new infrastructure for the development of this country.
Myanmar keen to open up BRI projects to foreigners
Yangon New City project will be opened to foreign companies. This means that more European companies will be invited to work on BRI projects in Myanmar.
Flying to Cambodia
Cambodia plans to build new airports, to support tourism development. For Phnom Penh, the Belt and Road initiative means better regional integration.
Xi Jinping’s state visit to Myanmar: strengthening the BRI
Following Xi Jinping’s visit to Myanmar, the China Myanmar Economic Corridor is getting more attention from Chinese and foreign investors.
Sabah interested in the BRI
Malaysia’s state of Sabah is looking for being part of the Belt and Road Initiative and invites Chinese companies to invest in Sabah Economic Corridor.
A fund to finance Indonesia’s BRI projects
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, re-elected in April 2019, proposed the creation of a special fund for BRI projects in Indonesia.
Malaysia in the BRI again
On April 12, 2019, the Malaysian government announced that they agreed with China to resume the East Coast Rail link, a BRI project.
Breaking news : Italy called BRI a debt trap for Sri Lanka, Malaysia and maybe Pakistan!
Italy’s undersecretary of state Michele Geraci stated that the BRI is a debt trap for Sri Lanka, Malaysia and maybe Pakistan!
BRI and the ASEAN: Strengthening Connectivity in Southeast Asia
The China-Southeast Asia Economic Corridor is an important component of the BRI and will link Yunnan Province to Singapore.