On November 4 and 5, 2019, will be held in Paris; the “Silk Roads: Smart Territories” conference, that will inaugurate the “Silkologies Initiatives” program.
This event will bring together European, African and Asian research fellows and entrepreneurs working on the new Silk Roads, and particularly on the concept of exchanges in regions along the new Silk Roads.
Several topics will be discussed during the “Silk Roads: Smart Territories”, including those related to economics, education, media and data.
This will be the kick-off event of “Silkologies Initiatives” program launched by Professor Daniel Raichvarg, University of Burgundy, France. The main objective of this initiative is to strengthen dialogue between academics and entrepreneurs interested in the new Silk Roads.
Professor Raichvarg will present to the audience his “Design Botanic Week” project which also reflects the growing exchanges between China and Europe.
Professor Raichvarg is an expert in scientific popularization; his research mainly focuses on the impact of science on everyday products.
This event shows the growing interest of European researchers in the Belt and Road initiative.
The conference tentative programme is available here.
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